Wednesday 29 July 2009

The Gal Next Door!!

I had a friend from Davangere, Karnataka and she used to visit Kalpakkam once a year during X-mas vacation... I used to be happy when I heard her aunt say that she would turn up for X-mas..Reason being she was really creative and would come up with some or the other new hobby of hers every year.. when I first met her, she had a whole lot of fabric paints and a piece of table cloth...she was of my age...I couldn't imagine my tiny hands work on the brush and paints so skillfully as hers used to... But I was happy to watch her do it... when I saw her next, she had huge wool rolls and a plastic mat on which she tied up equal sizes of wool cut skillfully(she was making a wall hanging of tiger)...I should now mention that we were hardly 10 yrs old then...and I had totally forgotten about her...Today as I read about a versatile actress from Bollywood...I suddenly remembered that I had a friend who shared the same name ,whom I had forgotten about with time...whom, I used to adore so much..for whom, I used to wait for during X-Mas...
Nandita...Yeah !! My friend was Nandita too...but the lady who I was talking about...from bollywood is Nandita Das and she too has the same friendly warmth that anyone could compare with a known neighbour of theirs.... They would rather "term" it as "Gal Next door"...and she too is a package of talents...

Yeah I am in loss of words for this lovely lady...and recently as I was reading about her...I was even more shocked to know that she was almost 40...I always imagined her as someone of my age!! ha ha...I am not that young either...nor am I going to say my age now!!ho ho...I don't want to stress too much over the age now and make my blog look like some Bollywood Masala mag...that was never my intention...!!

Most of the movies she has done are real Classics...I have watched Water, Fire,1947 earth ,Kannathil muttamital,Kannaki and Ramchand pakistani...must say that she is a pearl in the ocean...A pearl that sometimes doesn't float along...but a pearl that lies deep in the sea...though she has been noticed and given numerous awards...I somehow have a feeling that she is not being used by the industry ...she has much more in her which I hope would be definitely float up with her directional debut movie Firaaq...I am now going to watch the movie and if I like it It will be definitely up there on the must watch list...
Now that U spent a whole lot of time on my blog is a treat for u.. :)... why would I talk about when she has the whole of her resume and profile posted up there!! and if u too feel that u have seen a something in those friendly eyes! there is more for u... add up as a fan :)...

"There are no such things as Strangers, only friends we haven't met yet."

Wednesday 22 July 2009

The Eclipsed Face!

"Don't go out...U will have to take bath then.."Amma shouted behind me... My father who never adhered much in God/Myth somehow had some of these myths refraining him back...he said "there are scientific reasons for that dear...Sun emits harmful radiation during Eclipse and normally its better to stay under roof...But if u really want to see the !! take this welding goggles and look through...don't look at the Sun without them...u will have ur eyes burned or have to go for specs..." I never have seen an eclipse without a welding glass or a tinted one...but I do wear spectacles.. and I wore them a few days after the 1995 eclipse...thereafter, I somehow counted on the fact and asked Dad more about the myths on Eclipse...I cherished to hear myths...and dad was an exceptional narrator...

He said "The earliest Indian myth on solar eclipse is found in the "Rig Veda".Rahu, one of the most notorious demons of the Hindu myth is the curse. Myth has it that Vishnu, churned the oceans to usher in peace. This ended with a bitter war between the Gods and the demons. Dhanvantri, the fountain head of medicine,emerged with nectar from the Ocean. It was hard for the demons to let go of the Nectar.Vishnu managed to get it across to the Gods, but Rahu, disguised himself as a God and tried to get some nectar for himself.The sun and the moon saw this happening and informed Vishnu, who immediately chopped off Rahu's head. Rahu lived on... though body less, because he had managed a little nectar. But he never forgave the sun or the moon and periodically ate either one up..."

Both of us laughed at the end of the story..Dad told me...In olden days people never went out. Women and children remained inside the heavily curtained rooms,food would be neither eaten nor cooked. Many believed that when the rays of the sun don't touch the earth, the number of germs increase. All food cooked before the eclipse was, therefore, thrown away and people immersed themselves in water up to the neck in an act of cleansing. They believed that a simultaneous act of worship would help the sun fight the beast of the demon called the Rahu. He also explained me the scientific factors that could be the reason behind the superstitions....I did think he was true...

Despite the awareness of the true nature of this natural phenomenon in contemporary living, many people continue to beat drums, pots and pans or fire guns into the air or simply hide indoors. The event has been associated with calamities ranging from wars, floods and famines to political upheavals and personal misfortunes. Again there is a coincidence with the war of Kurukshetra and Solar eclipse we all know... Some say Kurukshetra war was preceded by a triple eclipse. We don’t know whether there really was a Kurukshetra war and if at all it took place. Whatever be it , the facts that human have build around this wonderful and natural phenomenon is really vast!! Across the Globe...we have multifarious delusion's people believe in..for some, its luck...for some, its romance and for yet others, its misfortune...
And for me its the bifocals on my nosebridge which aids me with my day to day life and which has become an cardinal part of my eclipsed face ;)..
"It's only during an eclipse that the Man in the moon has a place in the Sun"

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Bleak Reality

Reality TV..."I don't just hate it...I loathe it.." I read this on a blog...and I quite agree to the fact that reality TV which is taking up so much time of people is really not getting into anything real. May be it helps you brush off some lethargic hours on a weekend...but I wonder why they call it “reality television” when they are so far detached from reality, Rather they could call it game shows....

I remember watching Small wonder and Crystal Maze as a kid , but such programs are rare to see these days! I and my friends were real fan of Small wonder then...I don't find many of the people as fans of reality TV shows.Sure, I knew people who watched them from time to time, but they were more like casual reality TV viewers. They only watched them because it was the only thing on in that particular time slot. If a blank screen were broad casted instead, they probably would have watched that too. If all the reality TV shows were cancelled tomorrow, I doubt that you’d hear anyone complain.
Whatever be it... my view on the reality show is best to be shown through a picture!! :)..

I would rather waste my time browsing the net and reading through blogs or something which would improvise my GK..
I would definitely say that there are a lot of people with real talent who turn up on reality shows...But is it not an exploitation of talent!? If you have wasted a whole season on reality would have definitely seen your favourite participant being voted out!!!

Think over!!!

"Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality...."

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Paint Him!

As a kid , I used to wonder about famous people.!!! What makes them famous? What is it that spreads fame of a person far and wide...Even as I read about Oliver Twist ..the same thing occurred to me... He was just a character created by Charles Dickens'...But our heart ached for the Orphan who was ill treated..our eyes filled up when Oliver was abused...fame need not always come with money or with real life does come with characters who have been created...who have nothing but a wooden roof to protect themselves...!

Michael was a character to me!!! I had painted him with my brush and paints...I always saw him Bright in the hues I wanted to see him in..he always moved the way I wanted him to.... He sang the words which I wanted to hear....!

I am sure he was a similar portrait of many...everyone wanted to see him in a specific way and he never painted himself any different...everyone wanted him to sing what gave them pleasure and he with a smile sang it for us...!!

He was definitely a KING of POP!!...But I would call him KING of HEARTS !! He won so many with ease... I wonder if that heart is made of flesh & blood or a Magnet which keeps those people who love him sticking and hard to pull apart???

Ever since 25th of June..I have been watching and reading MJ music/moves/Biography.. I somehow cant get the fact rooted that he is not anymore among us...I saw the Video of his memorial yesterday and could stop myself when Paris Katherine Jackson spoke up...My heart ached and my eyes filled up...Let God be with his beloved ones....and MJ Rest in peace...!

And for all who drew his portrait..!! Don't Stop!! Keep painting him !!! Who knows? If he would come back in the hue which impresses his Magnetic Heart???

"And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.- Michael Jackson"

Friday 3 July 2009

Winning Heart!

Some people are just born Gifted and I would definitely vote for MJ ! here is a fab documentary Living with Michael Jackson , in which British journalist Martin Bashir interviewed Michael Jackson over a span of 8 months..

Guess..Most of you already must have seen it...Its for the rest, who wud love to see their Favourite Star Shinning Bright!!

Part 2 :
Part 3 :
Part 4 :
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:

Now as you view the above, read through something below and see if ur shinning star is speaking the truth?!

Eye-Accessing Cues

In the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) they use the phenomenon of eye-accessing cues to help recognize patterns of thinking. By the direction of where the person’s eyes are looking, you can determine whether they are using vision, sound or kinesthetic (feeling) to trigger their thinking.

If this represents a person facing you then when they look up and to the left (your upper right) they’ll be accessing a visual memory. Up and to the right (again, your upper left) means that they’re visually constructing (imagining) something. To your right, they’re remembering a sound, to your left, they’re creating a sound. Down right, the person is accessing a bodily feeling or emotion. Down left (your down right), they are accessing inner dialog (talking to themselves).
Keep in mind that this is reversed for left-dominant people (left handers). So before you can use this, be aware of which of their sides is the dominant one.
I have gone through the entire video several times!! Naaaaaah...I dont draw an opinion on him... He rocks and thts all matters to me!!
"Love you MJ ...! Always!!...Love that Heart which won the love of many !!"

Wednesday 1 July 2009

The Unheard Voice!!!

I sensed an unheard voice of a kid humming the rhyme!!

I'm glad the sky is painted blue;
And the earth is painted green;
And such a lot of nice fresh air
All sandwiched in between...

I also sensed an unheard voice of Earth Moan!!!

Pollutants spew more than nature can resolve
Forrest burn and oxygen levels fall
Still we wonder why giant tsunamis evolve
More great hurricanes from spring to fall
This one more cry to avoid a doomsday call
Vote for conservation and take a stand
Use less energy and harness nature where you can
Make it unprofitable to abuse the water, air and land
Earth Year not Earth Day your plan ...!!

Do spare 1hr 30 min for the planet which has been so generous to us...and give it a thought!!

watch the whole movie @ :

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not any man’s greed"