Wednesday 15 July 2009

Bleak Reality

Reality TV..."I don't just hate it...I loathe it.." I read this on a blog...and I quite agree to the fact that reality TV which is taking up so much time of people is really not getting into anything real. May be it helps you brush off some lethargic hours on a weekend...but I wonder why they call it “reality television” when they are so far detached from reality, Rather they could call it game shows....

I remember watching Small wonder and Crystal Maze as a kid , but such programs are rare to see these days! I and my friends were real fan of Small wonder then...I don't find many of the people as fans of reality TV shows.Sure, I knew people who watched them from time to time, but they were more like casual reality TV viewers. They only watched them because it was the only thing on in that particular time slot. If a blank screen were broad casted instead, they probably would have watched that too. If all the reality TV shows were cancelled tomorrow, I doubt that you’d hear anyone complain.
Whatever be it... my view on the reality show is best to be shown through a picture!! :)..

I would rather waste my time browsing the net and reading through blogs or something which would improvise my GK..
I would definitely say that there are a lot of people with real talent who turn up on reality shows...But is it not an exploitation of talent!? If you have wasted a whole season on reality would have definitely seen your favourite participant being voted out!!!

Think over!!!

"Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality...."

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