Wednesday 1 July 2009

The Unheard Voice!!!

I sensed an unheard voice of a kid humming the rhyme!!

I'm glad the sky is painted blue;
And the earth is painted green;
And such a lot of nice fresh air
All sandwiched in between...

I also sensed an unheard voice of Earth Moan!!!

Pollutants spew more than nature can resolve
Forrest burn and oxygen levels fall
Still we wonder why giant tsunamis evolve
More great hurricanes from spring to fall
This one more cry to avoid a doomsday call
Vote for conservation and take a stand
Use less energy and harness nature where you can
Make it unprofitable to abuse the water, air and land
Earth Year not Earth Day your plan ...!!

Do spare 1hr 30 min for the planet which has been so generous to us...and give it a thought!!

watch the whole movie @ :

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not any man’s greed"

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