Friday 3 July 2009

Winning Heart!

Some people are just born Gifted and I would definitely vote for MJ ! here is a fab documentary Living with Michael Jackson , in which British journalist Martin Bashir interviewed Michael Jackson over a span of 8 months..

Guess..Most of you already must have seen it...Its for the rest, who wud love to see their Favourite Star Shinning Bright!!

Part 2 :
Part 3 :
Part 4 :
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:

Now as you view the above, read through something below and see if ur shinning star is speaking the truth?!

Eye-Accessing Cues

In the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) they use the phenomenon of eye-accessing cues to help recognize patterns of thinking. By the direction of where the person’s eyes are looking, you can determine whether they are using vision, sound or kinesthetic (feeling) to trigger their thinking.

If this represents a person facing you then when they look up and to the left (your upper right) they’ll be accessing a visual memory. Up and to the right (again, your upper left) means that they’re visually constructing (imagining) something. To your right, they’re remembering a sound, to your left, they’re creating a sound. Down right, the person is accessing a bodily feeling or emotion. Down left (your down right), they are accessing inner dialog (talking to themselves).
Keep in mind that this is reversed for left-dominant people (left handers). So before you can use this, be aware of which of their sides is the dominant one.
I have gone through the entire video several times!! Naaaaaah...I dont draw an opinion on him... He rocks and thts all matters to me!!
"Love you MJ ...! Always!!...Love that Heart which won the love of many !!"

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