Wednesday 29 April 2009

The Reflection...

Were you ever overwhelmed by what you see in the mirror every morning??? I never was untill I read a rhyme in some webpage....It read No Mirrors in my Nana's House!!

There were no Mirrors in my Nana's house...
No Mirrors in my Nana's house...
so the beauty that I saw in everything...
was in her the rising of the Sun...!!
There were no Mirrors in my Nana's house...
so I never knew ,my skin was too black...
I never knew that my nose was so flat...
I never knew that my clothes dint fit...
I never knew there were things I missed...
was in her EYES....
There were no Mirrors in my Nana's house...
I was intrigued by the cracks in the wall...
I tasted with joy..the dust that would fall...
the noise in the hallway was music to me...
the trash and rubbish cushioned my feet...
was in her EYES....
There were no Mirrors in my Nana's house...
No Mirrors in my Nana's house...

Though this was supposed to be a nursery rhyme..I couldnt get over the depth in the lines...have seen people wasting time...just to look ravishing for a evening party...But my mind strayed for the lil kid who is between trash and rubbish..who has never once seen her face ...We often dont realise what we posses unless we start missing them...treasure every moment and everything in it the little mirror which shows your face everymorning...!!

"Happiness is: Looking in a Mirror and Loving what you see...!!"

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Wacky Prankster!

Lavanyaaa...Lavanya come down...Look at this rat over here...I screamed at the top of my voice...I dint see a rat or Lavanya coming my way..that was the usual prank Amma used to play on me....

After an hour Lavan came down with a cool head..she was a year younger to me...but the rat trick dint work on her...she smirked and commented..."Hey I know you were calling me to see a rat which ran away..." and wobbled her tongue at me...I winked back and said.." We need to fool someone...lets think together"....hey wish my mom..."Its her Birthday"...Lavan being a superhuman, wudnt let any prank betray least on this it my moms b'day..she brushed me off saying "come on gal..I know"

"Bhavya Bhavya Bhavya...we ran together to the 2nd floor balcony and screamed...The whole avenue cud have heard us....U have a phone call...Ur friend has called ...Bhavya Bhavya Bhavya.."

At last there was someone in Bhavya's Balcony...a lady strode out as if she were just out of was Bhavya's mom....but nothing cud let down our spirit...we yelled..."there is a Phone call for Bhavya , Auntie...caller is on hold"

Auntie waved back...just two minutes..."Bhavya is having her shower.."we both chuckled thinking our plan worked...yeah it had worked well after all...2,3,4 and as the clock stuck 8AM...we saw Bhavya pacing down the stairs...water dribbling down her long hair...without wearing proper clothes or slipons she just cudnt wait to pick up the call...She almost fell the stairs as she leaped over ..and all the while we yelled..."come soon ...come soon..."
As she ran across the road to reach the pavement...we sang together...." Aprrrrrrril fffffffoooooooool" ...

We sniggerd and walked our way to eat the hot Idlis waiting for us over our victory...we boasted about fooling a gal who was much older..made plans for a few more we gobbled the Idli's we heard a commotion downstairs...lets go and see our next prey...Lavan and me jumped enthusiastically to my home..and were shocked!!!!
The Out of bed aunt was in blood and flesh right there... screaming at my !! what happened! we rushed back,as though it never concerned us..hid for a few minutes in Lavan's cozy room until I heard my mom calling out for me...
Every step down was like a Bizarre...Like a horrible nightmare...used to have that churned up feeling in my stomach only during Parent Teachers meeting...what had happened now? What was I Guilty about..!?! I had heard that even The President can be fooled on the 1st of April was just a neighbour now..!

My lips dried up...Lavan snugged behind Kala Aunty's Saree and was out of the danger zone....I had to face this alone...heard a lot of tongue-lashing before I could blurt a SORRY stiffly...Out of bed aunt and her tricked daughter left with a swift turn ...
I was alone and my mom enquired.." whats wrong with you kid?".....was it wrong to fool? even u fooled me early today...I had tried to fool Suresh too..his parents hadn't come down to be safe...i mumbled.."it was Lavan's Idea..."

I and Lavan have shared everything..the silliest jokes to the covert crush we had...the birthday cake my mom baked up for that evening to the hot Rajma curry Kala auntie prepared in we weren't spared this time...things when shared, reduces burden and brings in more it a lecture that mom had to give us after the incident....we both turned around...winked and we have a common enemy....though our plans to dope the rest went down, We never cud stop giggling looking across the Street....

"Life isn't a big joke, if you don't get it...."

Wednesday 15 April 2009

The Terrorist!

"A low budget film has to begin with the conviction that the film must be made, whatever the circumstances are..." I watched agape as this living intellectual made his statement...

Last weekend, when we had really nowhere to go , Anup looked out through the window and grieved about the weather.."Look ,it has been raining whole day today..." The Rain had really brought down our plans..We looked across the streets to gaze at the same old houses with no changes at all ,staring back at us... He asked ! " Which is your favorite movie?"......he asked again..."which is the movie that you treasure to watch over and again? "

With so many movies pouring down every week, it was a very challenging question for me to answer...I would have answered any other question much more effortlessly... Anup is a movie buff..he understands movies beyond what I actually observe ..I have been watching movies since my college days and I just at the end of 3 hrs make a vague statement and get off... But now it was a fix...I had to answer this...without much confidence,I mumbled..."Asoka"..he asked again..."any reason for that movie...?" I really dint have..may be the rain which I was gaping at made me consider the marvelous Cinematography which went in the movie..."Do u know the best of Santosh Sivan's movies?"He asked again...I had known only a few..Tahaan,Ananthabadran and Halo...

We came down to our drawing room and connected to the Internet ...I was about to witness a movie which was a classic! Theevravadhi..The Terrorist! this movie had been released way back in 1999, which definitely won many awards...but might have gone unnoticed ...

I looked at Ayesha with at most concentration..her eyes communicated much more than Dialogues wud... dialogues were minimal....It was a low budget movie as Sivan had once talked about... Not many characters were portrayed in the film...But it definitely did leave a lasting impression about everyone who where..A dilemma of a 19yr old ..!!when she is supposed to be more into grooming her future..she plans to kill for a cause?!

The best part of the movie is ,no where in the movie is the VIPs name mentioned nor the reason for him being the target.. disclosed, still its worth the 94 min watch!

The Terrorist has done a bit of globetrotting over the last years.The Sundance festival-LA, Hawaii, Denmark, The Independent film awards,Human rights watch festival.. name a few...

I had once read.....

"Whoever stands by a just cause cannot possibly be called a terrorist

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Brashy Magnet?!!

Call it brashy, impatient or a hasty act from Mr.Jarnail Singh, who threw a shoe at the Home Minister in a press conference yesterday. The media hypes up anything that comes along their way these days..but we really don't know what could have agitated Jarnail to this point that he lost his cool...

I was never drawn to Politics...except,in school...when it came to Ambitions.. I had a conglomeration of them.."Dare to dream" ...I was taught. Year after year my essays had a different aspiration..was an astronaut ,when I heard about Rakesh Sharma..was a politician, when I saw the mundane possessions of Dr.JJ..Aspirations changed with Dreams...but it was only for the exposition that I made up as was never on my thoughts .. have seen Achan listening to the cabinet speech for hours together...have eyeballed the politicians throw chair at each other..have observed the arguments they have over water ,air and things that Human dont have control over...this all did have a negative impact on me about the people Who run Our Country...

But this Man..Mr.P.Chidambaram was always least in front of the media ...I had never observed any act from this man which was barbaric..all the speech that dad had listened to, had valid points...

As an idealistic youth, he had returned from the US after earning his MBA from Harvard and as a firm believer in the virtues of socialism, he has attracted controversy many times in the past.. Not surprisingly, he is an apple in the eyes of Media ,which is quite enamoured of this savvy and charming minister who can switch from his spotless white Dhoti to a dark suit before you can say 'P.C.'

His critics, however describe him as arrogant, a person who conveys an impression that he knows it all, an adamant person who is unwilling to listen to points of view that don't agree with his own and, worse, a turncoat Socialist who used to translate Indira Gandhi's speeches to Tamil during the mid-1970s and supported her imposition of the Emergency. ( )

Chidambaram's supporters, on the other hand, point out that he is sharp-as-nails and workaholic who brooks no nonsense from anyone ..May be Jarnail was among his critics...whatever be it..

"He is definitely a Magnet to Controversies..."

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Does it Change?

7th Grade.. I used to wake up with the temple bell ringing in my ears...The echoing prayers from the Mosque used to Freshen me up ...
Those were the days when the rickety vegetable shops at Pudupatinam played their transistor Radio's .... we cud hear the classics of Illayraja...Lyrics used to be more important those days...people used to warble "rasathi unnai kanatha nenjam" and strike their feet to "Raja kaiya vecha"...

Amma wud trigger up with her morning chores at 6 … the first thing she did was to turn her radio on and I remember listening to the Vandemataram with Aakashvani news henceforth...When the clock ticked 9 she switched the channel to Ceylon.. it was just songs ...until she decided to turn it off at 11....there were not many so called RJ's then..It was the one and only Abdul rehman and Amma was crazy abt his voice & his unequivocal Tamil...

I got back home from school ...Amma was excited …She had heard a new song and as usual wanted me to know ...without slightest hesitation, she sang a few lines “chinna chinna aasai...chiragadikum aasai”...I ardor to listen when Amma apprises me with something like that...she being at home always found a way to keep herself busy and entertained...I ,jittery abt my Mathematics UT marks tht day gave a cold shoulder to that song saying ..Its no goood...she did get to the root cause soon...

This song again was infused to my head by my classmate and then by my neighbour...!! Saras our neighbour who was the only guy who owned the dreambike (Streetcat) came down to say that AR Rehman was the guy we were looking for and that the song wud defintly be telecasted on TV the next friday ...So after waiting in anticipation...we all watched the song for the first time on "Oliyum Oliyum"...the song was amazing by all means…be it the scenery ,be it the music,be it the cast….

people were just getting the cable connections home so that they cud watch more of such songs and then came the ERA Of Cable TV…Achan dint oppose to this SAT-VIEW stuff...he knew how much Amma adored music...!!
I hardly remember anything from then on...Life was faster...Old songs were not heard anymore... programs were all around...super10, ungal choice and so on...we cud see any song which we longed to watch in no time...A.R.Rehman was the name and he was all over ....but somehow I was more smitten by Arvind Swamy...I cut out this man who was a covertive crush for many gals then and stuck him in my Geometry box...safeee!!!!

I was looking through Rediff news today and came across ..My Dream Man whom I locked in my Natraj Geometry box..He had grown older..he was in Distress..the eyes which used to show me dreams looked heavy with strain...And the small town boy who once made Amma sing with excitment..had got two Oscars back home...!

"Time does change! and whn it doesnt do the same to all..."