Wednesday 15 April 2009

The Terrorist!

"A low budget film has to begin with the conviction that the film must be made, whatever the circumstances are..." I watched agape as this living intellectual made his statement...

Last weekend, when we had really nowhere to go , Anup looked out through the window and grieved about the weather.."Look ,it has been raining whole day today..." The Rain had really brought down our plans..We looked across the streets to gaze at the same old houses with no changes at all ,staring back at us... He asked ! " Which is your favorite movie?"......he asked again..."which is the movie that you treasure to watch over and again? "

With so many movies pouring down every week, it was a very challenging question for me to answer...I would have answered any other question much more effortlessly... Anup is a movie buff..he understands movies beyond what I actually observe ..I have been watching movies since my college days and I just at the end of 3 hrs make a vague statement and get off... But now it was a fix...I had to answer this...without much confidence,I mumbled..."Asoka"..he asked again..."any reason for that movie...?" I really dint have..may be the rain which I was gaping at made me consider the marvelous Cinematography which went in the movie..."Do u know the best of Santosh Sivan's movies?"He asked again...I had known only a few..Tahaan,Ananthabadran and Halo...

We came down to our drawing room and connected to the Internet ...I was about to witness a movie which was a classic! Theevravadhi..The Terrorist! this movie had been released way back in 1999, which definitely won many awards...but might have gone unnoticed ...

I looked at Ayesha with at most concentration..her eyes communicated much more than Dialogues wud... dialogues were minimal....It was a low budget movie as Sivan had once talked about... Not many characters were portrayed in the film...But it definitely did leave a lasting impression about everyone who where..A dilemma of a 19yr old ..!!when she is supposed to be more into grooming her future..she plans to kill for a cause?!

The best part of the movie is ,no where in the movie is the VIPs name mentioned nor the reason for him being the target.. disclosed, still its worth the 94 min watch!

The Terrorist has done a bit of globetrotting over the last years.The Sundance festival-LA, Hawaii, Denmark, The Independent film awards,Human rights watch festival.. name a few...

I had once read.....

"Whoever stands by a just cause cannot possibly be called a terrorist

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