Wednesday 8 April 2009

Brashy Magnet?!!

Call it brashy, impatient or a hasty act from Mr.Jarnail Singh, who threw a shoe at the Home Minister in a press conference yesterday. The media hypes up anything that comes along their way these days..but we really don't know what could have agitated Jarnail to this point that he lost his cool...

I was never drawn to Politics...except,in school...when it came to Ambitions.. I had a conglomeration of them.."Dare to dream" ...I was taught. Year after year my essays had a different aspiration..was an astronaut ,when I heard about Rakesh Sharma..was a politician, when I saw the mundane possessions of Dr.JJ..Aspirations changed with Dreams...but it was only for the exposition that I made up as was never on my thoughts .. have seen Achan listening to the cabinet speech for hours together...have eyeballed the politicians throw chair at each other..have observed the arguments they have over water ,air and things that Human dont have control over...this all did have a negative impact on me about the people Who run Our Country...

But this Man..Mr.P.Chidambaram was always least in front of the media ...I had never observed any act from this man which was barbaric..all the speech that dad had listened to, had valid points...

As an idealistic youth, he had returned from the US after earning his MBA from Harvard and as a firm believer in the virtues of socialism, he has attracted controversy many times in the past.. Not surprisingly, he is an apple in the eyes of Media ,which is quite enamoured of this savvy and charming minister who can switch from his spotless white Dhoti to a dark suit before you can say 'P.C.'

His critics, however describe him as arrogant, a person who conveys an impression that he knows it all, an adamant person who is unwilling to listen to points of view that don't agree with his own and, worse, a turncoat Socialist who used to translate Indira Gandhi's speeches to Tamil during the mid-1970s and supported her imposition of the Emergency. ( )

Chidambaram's supporters, on the other hand, point out that he is sharp-as-nails and workaholic who brooks no nonsense from anyone ..May be Jarnail was among his critics...whatever be it..

"He is definitely a Magnet to Controversies..."

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