Wednesday 19 August 2009

A Treasured Wednesday!

I received loads and loads of wishes today..and was really happy that the social networks I am on are really bringing wishes from far and wide ...But the lil poem written by my lil sister touched my heart...I always treasure wishes more than gifts and so here there is the lil poem which touched my heart...Thanks a lot Indu...this means a lot to me!!!

Every morning is special...
Everyday has something 2 teach you...
Some mornings are a gift...
Something good..Or maybe..Someone special....or...Something bad also..may turn up!!
but, there maybe...Some special happiness, Which is hiding in those bad things...
And there was a very special day.. A very special morning... Which awaited u..
To be gifted to someone, someone very special...
The special day is here...which gifted YOU to us..
How can we forget that day.. How can we forget that someone special...?
HAaaPpY bIRthDAy DEaAAAAAAAAAR.......ummMMAAaaaaaaaaaaaa....LUV U DEAR....
(THIS WISHES CANT BE COPYRIGHTED.. WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE GREAT WRITER INDU...).Loved the Bracketed one as well..So dint cut that out ! :P

there was a wonderful ecard from my friends Lavanya and Kishan as well and a wonderful poem from Deepika too..and a treasured chat with my lovely friends Aruna,Sai and Rajendra...

"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss...Miss you all..."

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