Wednesday 10 June 2009

My Gaze...

....I never blink, when I see some awesome pictures posted on net... I love to spend sometime looking at them...

Sometimes its the hues...sometimes it is the shade and sometimes its just the gaze in someone's eye which doesnt let me move my glare off the picture...

Wanted to share a few of them....

Love the intensity in her eyes! She hides herself from the dull world around...Beautiful Portrait ever!!

The Colosseum in for nightlife on
search engine and you would find dozens of pages turning up...
... but this picture somehow made me click on the same....have read a lot about Roman history... have heard that the Colosseum is the Largets ever built in Roman empire and that it is one of the greatest works of Roman architechture..Standing high on a usual night..but with the light streaks below which makes this photo special....

A Magnificient work of art standing high and bright with natural light complimenting the Landscape

Kids at distress are something none of us want to see...We get 100 mails on poverty every month..."Save the world..donate to charity.."mail this to your friends and one pence will go tot AOL and so on...

But the look in the kid's eyes here seems uneffected by the help we extend him by forwarding those mails.. Do they really get enough from us???

Heart Touching portrait of a young boy whose stare burns our heart from within!

To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place...I've found it little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them...

Wildlife photography need not always look WILD enuf...!

Softness of a Baby against the hardness of a Man!

Who said cups are only to serve Beverages?

" The Limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.. “

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