Thursday 4 June 2009

Missed Priority...!

U always hear it from Ur manager...Prioritize your work and you will do better...Employees have lots of work to do, but deciding what is the the most urgent thing to do is not always easy. That is why “Priorities management” training are often offered to employees.Below is a picture of someone who might need this kind of training:

I was a bit too lazy this week and take this as an opportunity to blame myself along with the fireman here..I dint prioritize ...Missed a Wednesday... Forgive me friends! Guess there was no fire out there which I dint put offffffffff.... ho ho...
Have always imagined things at work.... if there was some way to extend something before the click on save button which gives an option of EXTEND DEADLINE...
I am my own boss I won't fake around again except for this Wednesday... Apologies again!!

"The Best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one!!"

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