Wednesday 14 October 2009

Yellow Glasses?!

You See the World Through Yellow Colored Glasses!!! This was the result of some random thing I found on the Internet..I am pretty sure of how I see the world...bcos I am often not very judgemental these days.. I definitely keep away from ppl who I don't want to be bothered by...but that doesn't make life unpleasant... ! In fact I am more happier when I am with ppl I love and look up on!

And I wore a yellow glass as I read what was written about me in Yellow!! geee....

You live your life with optimism. You remain happy through the bad times, and your outlook remains bright.You judge all interactions through the lens of hope. You try to see the best in people, and you give them the benefit of the doubt.You face challenges with a spirit of adventure. Things are what they are, so you might as well make the best of them.You see love as the utmost expression of personal joy. You tend to be attracted to lively, friendly people.At your worst, you are a bit petty and jealous. You want to be every one's shining star.You are happiest when you're daydreaming or thinking up fresh ideas.

I can bet on the fact that I am optimistic..Don't need to read that with a Yellow glass..can bet that I get Jealous like normal people ;)...but there is something I have always noticed... The world definitely reflects what you shine like..its a mirror rather... be it through a yellow , blue or lavender glass... it looks back at you in the same way, you look at it...And I learnt that in many ways! would love to share an incident here.

When I was in blore and used to have my walks across the lonely lanes.. I always used to look at the numerous buildings being constructed and much man has learnt frm the time he landed on earth... he earns living..he saves..he builds house..oopss...someone else builds it for him..and the someone else are the characters I want to talk about...I used to see loads of construction workers..many men aged 18-25 , women and children... I remember smiling at the kids and they never returned me a smile... But I never lost hope..I was quite sure that one day the kids would smile and wave at me...

After a days hard work..I and my roommate had a crispy talk about our work...our past and our funny episodes at work of course..and also abt these construction workers..she told me that the guys always stared at her and any gal who wud passed by ..She wanted me to be careful...! hmmm!

The next day I dint turn to look at the building nor did i Smile at the kids... I felt it was OK as I was just being careful about myself ...this followed for 2 more days..It was really odd for me though because I sensed the kids giggling there when they saw me... I felt I was being rude to those kids, I felt a heavy head the whole day at i crossed the shop...I thot I would buy some chocolates for those kids..I dint know if they would accept it ..but that would be my way of saying sorry...My way of repenting on my rude behaviour..I bought a handful of chocolate's and walked back...I saw the kids playing with cement and stones... I could relate them to my childhood...just that, I had those toys and Building blocks... these kids were playing with the REAL building doesn't treat everyone the same I thot as I searched my bag for the chocolates...It would have been a wonderful world otherwise...still lost in thoughts , I offered sweets to the kids... I saw an instant smile..The smile which I was waiting for and the smile I always longed for .. they just snatched it from hand and ran to their parents...I saw a lady come out holding the kid and she waved a bye to me as I walked past her... The next morning I saw the whole bunch of kids waving back at me with a BIG WIDE SMILE and also the guys who I thought were Dangerous waved sayinge.."if you ever need anything..let us know.." I was taken by surprise... Now that's what I told already!!

be it through a yellow , blue or lavender glass... The World looks back at you through the same glasses that you look at it through!