Wednesday 20 May 2009

Kill it...!

When a month clambers to its end, I often remember strange but irrefutable incidents that happened with me and friends years back...I feel a wheel pushing rapidly back in my head which brings in the old memories afresh in mind...dunno whether to call it good...sometimes I feel memories never prevailed long...
Arun was my best buddy whom I could share my bliss,agony,doubts,fights and arguments with...every morning as he entered our college van(christened DOG VAN by our college guys Cos of the size and a loony orange color it was painted in)..there was a chaos...he asked me...Hey!! is there any lab today? even before he heard something from me...he would say..."come on there is no use anyways..I dint bring my observation "...I and Anshee would just clasp hands together and yell .."BP...SAY SOMETHING NEW"....Life was so much fun..
You might think ..thts nothing offbeat now...everyone does enjoy life to the fullest at their college...yeah you are right!!!But for me college was not something unrivaled to mention...may be becoz I joined in late...most of the people had made their so called gang and I was the one left out.... for me it was my College Van ...Our Van driver Kajah ...the front seat freshers, the middle cozy seat reserved for the worst faculty, Priya..and the back seated was nothing but just fun..we used to yell at Kajah anna to turn the music on and tune it to the maximum...Kajah anna was always for us !! he relished the tunes,the shouts,the ragging and the exam tension with us... though Priya several times tried to complain one could really catch us red handed, as soon as we entered the campus, the player was switched off and we abided in silence that anyone could doubt our pranks...
As we sped our way to college through the busy East Coast Road, we had sighted many things ...we have seen the Gardner of rich Estate owners selling mangoes by the garden gate...we spotted the farmer selling groundnuts with all the mud sticking to the fresh and soft shelled groundnuts .....

We witnessed accidents too ...we would sometimes see the ruins of a car against a rickety lorry or a vehicle deformed and crippled by the pavements..we had once even seen a whole family slivered inside a car waiting for help to arrive...we all were upset to see the whole scene...we imagined what their destination was and what it had turned out to be...Arun and Anshee seemed upset and they wouldn't talk...I saw a droplet at the corner of Arun's eye..."hey don't over react!!..I thought this would distract him to a fight...But, dint help"..

We never knew then, we would have tears in our eyes when we looked back at those wonderful days, years later...We never knew that he would leave us all on an unfortunate day ..we never knew that speed could kill someone so dear in the month of May...

If not for speed..he would still be among us... singing along, to the Tune of Life...

Arun's favourite song from Rhythm..!

"Speed....Kill it, before it kills you"

1 comment:

  1. Iniku thaan I went to kalpakkam. when I crossed the bus stand, Arun nybakam vanthathu. Today I am reading ur post. I have some spl pics for u. will send u via email
